Will you admit children in nappies?
Yes, but the number of children in nappies is limited and preference will be given to children who are toilet trained. This is because
our focus is on education and our teachers need to spend their time with the children in the classroom, rather then in the washroom.

Do Springdales School children transit well into primary school?
Yes, our children settle well into primary school as they have established excellent work habits, and are academically well prepared.
Our school children are independent, life long, Curious learners who have learned skills that will help them to embrace the challenge
of setting into a new school and making new friendships.

Will my child get admission into a bigger school easily?
Do you have a tie-u with any of the bigger school?/ Can you guarantee my child's admission into a good bigger school? We do not have any kind of a tie-up with any school nor can we guarantee you admission into a school of your choice but, with experience, I can confidently and proudly say that they get the admission into the best schools of Ranchi on merit basis. We do our best to prepare them but a lot depends on the child's performance in the rest too.

What if I decided not to attend or need to pull my child out of school before the end of the year?
Our withdrawal Policy is : If the child withdraws before the end of the year, the caution money will not be refunded. The parents will have to clear the dues for the term. A transfer certificate will be issued only after clearance from the Accounts office.

What if I can't pick up my child? Can someone else do it?
All those listed on your form can pick up your child. Staff may not release children to anyone who is not authorized by the custodial parent. If the custodial parent is willing to give blanket permission to the non-custodial parent, permission must be granted for each specific occasion. A custodial parent denying blanket release must provide legal documentation regarding custody.

What if I am late for picking my child up?
If a parent or authorized person is late in picking the child up, the child is taken care of by the teacher and remains in the school itself. But, if a child is consistently picked up late, the school will take further action by calling a parent/teacher meeting. Children become upset within parents are not on time so please try not be late. Staff members are never allowed to transport children home.

Should I stay to get my child settled when dropping them off?
For some children, this is their first separation from their parents. We understand that this is often a difficult experience for youngsters. It is important to let your child know you are leaving, but will come back for them after class. For the first few days you may want to stay 5 to 10 minutes in the waiting area. We will be glad to check on your child's progress. Your classroom teacher will let you know when your child feels comfortable with the new environment.

What should I do if my child cries when I leave?
Most children calm down in the first five minutes after their parent leave. If you say your good-by to your child and would like a report from us just stay in the hall, we can reach you and we will be glad to report on your child's behavior for the first few days.

Anxiety also applies to children going through difficulties such as, but not limited to: nightmares, death in the family, divorce, illness, new baby, or simply a change in routine, etc. Please notify us of any changes in your child. All information is kept confidential.

What will happen if my child acts up in class?
If a child is having difficulty controlling their behavior, we will try the inappropriate behavior by providing positive alternatives. The teacher will talk to the child privately to explain the behavior problem. Children may be directed to an individual activity (i.e. reading, puzzles) if the inappropriate behavior persists. Should the problem continue, the parents would be informed. When child displays unusual behavior such as prolonged crying, tantrums, kicking, or biting, the parents will be notified immediately. Depending on the severity of the behavior or where it is recurring safety issue, the child may be dismissed from the program. This decision would be made after discussion with the parents, the teachers and the director. The Preschool Director makes the final decision. Children are not punished using time outs, being segregated from the other children, or by withholding of food. Children will never be yelled at or have physical punishment or rough handing or be retrained or enclosed in a confined space. Staff accepts toileting accidents as normal in this age group and will never single out or punish a child for the accident.

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